Draai Het Om

Time flies! In this issue we are preparing for winter and we are at the beginning of a new year. 2024 is coming! Hold on tight because we're going to turn everything around. Not only a pancake in the frying pan and a tarte tatin in the oven, but we also turn the switch in our heads. We are going to think differently, because what if you turn a problem into an opportunity? In times of high energy and purchasing costs and a staff shortage, Sligro is happy to help you through the winter by thinking along and continuing to surprise. We show how you can quickly create margins with winter winners such as carrots, leeks and kale. Real seasonal vegetables that you can buy relatively cheaply and that will play the leading role on your menu.

In 'Flip it' we present pancakes with a twist and in 'ALLES IN DE SOEP' we cook smartly with convenience products. For example, with the soups from SmitVis, beautiful soups that you can use as a base. Turn it into full meal soups by adding shellfish or other ingredients and voilà, there you have your own signature soup! Furthermore, winter salads, tarte tatins, beautiful reports, interviews with chefs and much more. Get inspired.